Uncovering Secrets and Easter Eggs in Star Wars Outlaws
The secrets and Easter eggs in Star Wars Outlaws may not always come in the form of collectibles or outfits, but they add a delightful layer to the game. Have you found something cool? Share it in the comments, and we might feature it on this page!
Nix’s Interactions and Tricks
Nix’s abilities as a companion extend beyond just finding loot and retrieving items. Did you know Nix can play dead? Simply aim your blaster at Nix for a few seconds (but don’t shoot!), and he’ll perform the trick.
Wondering, “Can I pet Nix?” The answer is yes! Activate Nix’s senses (LB/L1/Q) and look at Nix to see the prompt to pet him. You can also pet other creatures throughout your journey in Star Wars Outlaws.
The explosive red barrels you encounter have vibrant explosions when hit. These barrels contain rhydonium, a highly volatile substance first introduced in Season 5 of The Clone Wars and later featured in Rebels and The Bad Batch. Its most notable appearance was in “Point of No Return,” where R2-D2 uses rhydonium to destroy a captured Venator-class Star Destroyer.
The small cards holding certain collectibles are datacards, similar to the one Leia inserted into R2-D2 in the original Star Wars. These cards also played a key role in Rogue One, where they were transported by several rebels aboard the Tantive IV, and appeared again in The Mandalorian’s third season, where Dr. Pershing stored information for the New Republic.
History of the Hutts
The Lore entry for the Hutt Cartel mentions that “recent developments have led to Jabba … becoming the single-most powerful crime lord in the cartel.” This refers to the War of the Bounty Hunters comics crossover event, where Darth Vader wiped out the Grand Hutt Council, leaving Jabba as the only survivor. This event takes place in 3 ABY, the same year Star Wars Outlaws is set.
R5 with a Bad Motivator
In Jaunta’s Hope on Toshara, you might come across an R5 astromech droid missing its “motivation actuator.” This is a nod to the original Star Wars film, where Owen Lars initially buys R5-D4, only for it to malfunction due to a “bad motivator.” R5-D4 later reappears in The Mandalorian, under the care of Peli Motto.