Spend Your Downtime with a Game of Sabacc

Star Wars Outlaws Mods |

Spend Your Downtime with a Game of Sabacc

While the lockpicking and slicing minigames might feel a bit overdone, Kessel Sabacc offers a more intriguing diversion. You can find these card games in capital cities and settlements, so keep an eye out for potential opponents.

The objective of Kessel Sabacc is to achieve the lowest possible score with two cards-the closer to zero, the better. The cards are divided into two types: blood (red) and sand (gold), and you can only hold one of each type at a time. Here’s how it works:

  • If you have a red card with a +1 value (good) and a gold card with a +5 value (bad), you’ll want to draw from the gold pile to improve your hand.
  • Let’s say you draw a +3 gold card; you can then discard the +5 card you had earlier to lower your total.
  • If you’re satisfied with your hand, you can opt to stop drawing and wait for the third round when all players reveal their hands.
  • Your final score is the difference between the two card values. In this example, you would have +2 points. If no other player has a score closer to zero, you’ll win the match.

Kessel Sabacc has additional mechanics, including the ability to cheat during matches. Just be cautious-getting caught could have consequences.

Credits: www.starwarsoutlawsmods.com
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