Navigating the Galaxy: Top Tips for Exploring Star Wars Outlaws
- Kay’s Mobility Tricks: Kay has some handy moves up her sleeve. Double-tap the crouch button (B/Circle) or press CTRL on the keyboard, and she’ll roll. If you’re sprinting, pressing crouch will make her slide.
- Listen in on NPCs: Don’t ignore casual NPC chatter. Often, these conversations drop subtle hints for optional objectives, such as the location of a credit chip, datapad, or even a shortcut to your current goal. Keep your ears open since these hints aren’t logged anywhere in your journal.
- Find the Perfect Spot to Eavesdrop: When you hear NPCs having a loud discussion or argument, look around for a place where Kay can lean or sit nearby. This might unlock valuable Intel, revealing new side quests.
- Collect All the Salvage You Can: Thoroughly exploring each room can lead to finding valuable salvage and loot that you can sell to merchants for credits. The more you find, the better equipped you’ll be for crafting upgrades, especially when venturing into Syndicate territories.
- Raid Syndicate Bases for the Best Loot: Syndicate strongholds are treasure troves of rare and expensive upgrade materials. Make sure to scour every corner of these enemy bases for the best finds.
- Master Drifting on the Speeder: Need to pull off a quick turn? Hold LT/L2/CTRL to drift-turn your Speeder, even at low speeds. This maneuver can help you navigate tight spots with ease.
- Fast Travel Using Your Speeder: Lost your Speeder or just need to get to it fast? Select it on the map for instant fast travel. You can also locate it quickly by pressing LT/L2/Y to bring up the Navigator on your map.
- Control Your Speeder in Mid-Air: When launching off a ramp, if you’re heading for a rough landing, tilt the Speeder upward. This way, the bike’s bottom absorbs the impact, reducing damage.
- Build Speed While Stationary: If you need a quick burst of speed, hold the brake and gas simultaneously while on your Speeder. Once Kay leans forward, release the brake to shoot forward at high speed. Keep in mind this trick won’t work in restricted-speed zones like those around buildings.
- Look for Climbable Walls: If you hit a dead end, check the surrounding walls for climbable spots marked with white or pale yellow. If you prefer a challenge, you can turn off these visual aids in the Gameplay settings by selecting “Explorer mode.”
- Return to Previous Locations: Some paths might be blocked when you first encounter them, especially in new areas tied to the main quest. It’s often best to progress the story a bit before revisiting these spots. However, be aware that some unique quest areas might not be accessible again, so explore thoroughly while you’re there.
- Treasure Sounds: Pay attention to audio cues like the sound of a coin flip. It means there’s a hidden treasure nearby, now marked on your radar. Investigating these Treasures can reward you with collectibles, credits, cosmetics, and crafting materials.
- Nix Can Help Where Kay Can’t: Keep an eye out for out-of-reach resources. Often, Nix can be sent to retrieve items across gaps or behind barriers. Some of the best crafting materials are found this way!