MT-7 The Veteran (Akiva) Expert

Star Wars Outlaws Mods |

MT-7 The Veteran (Akiva) Expert

MT-7 was the final Expert I unlocked, though you might be able to access him earlier depending on which planets you’ve completed. To start, you’ll need to locate at least one collectible of Encrypted Messages. You can find one in Toshara Orbit at the Wreck Cluster.

Once you’ve acquired an Encrypted Message, complete the Akiva missions, and ND-5 should alert you to a CIS signal on the planet. If this doesn’t happen, you might need to finish quests on other planets first. Follow The Veteran quest line to unlock this Expert.

Veteran Expert Abilities:

  • Decryption Module: Allows Kay to decrypt Encrypted Messages.
  • Improvise: Increases Kay’s maximum health.
  • Adapt: Boosts the healing effect of Bacta Vials.
  • Overcome: Kay regenerates health when damaged by an explosion.
  • Nix Commando: When Nix uses the Attack command, he will automatically target another nearby enemy.
  • Slice Kit Upgrade: Increases Energy for Slicing Kit Jokers.
Unlock Conditions:

Decryption Module
Automatically unlocked when you unlock The Veteran Expert. Encrypted Messages can be found in the Databank menu under Collectibles and Transmissions.

Defeat enemies using environmental hazards like explosive barrels, and locate 3 Hideouts.

First, unlock Improvise. Then, gather 1 Power Injector System, 30 Transparisteel, and 15 Helicyclic Gears. The Power Injector System can be purchased from the Jawa trader in the Mos Eisley outskirts.

Unlock Adapt. Then, defeat a Wanted 6 Event and take out 3 enemies with a single explosion. To trigger the Wanted 6 Event, max out your Wanted level by attacking the Empire, then defeat the Dark Troopers and clear the wanted level.

Nix Commando
Eliminate enemies that are distracted by Nix. Additionally, find 6 different ways to make Nix happy.

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