Essential Tips and Tricks for Mastering Star Wars Outlaws
- Use Nix vision. Use Nix as your pet-sized Arkham vision. Holding LB/L1/Q will tag anything Nix can interact with from much farther away than normal, including valuables you can collect. What also makes “Nix Vision” handy is that a line is drawn from Nix to the thing he can interact with. This is handy if you prefer collecting stuff yourself.
- Gather info to bluff successfully. If you find that a bluff doesn’t work, try exploring the area to learn more information you can use to your advantage. For example, a bouncer in the tutorial section will only believe Kay’s bluff after she learns he’s into fast cars. This gives her enough information to come up with a believable bluff.
- Guards have better eyesight than you think. They can spot Kay through holey walls and inside open vents. If you’re at risk of getting spotted, see if Nix can do an action for you instead. He can even distract guards if you need to perform an action that would attract attention.
- There’s more than one visual cue for lockpicking. If you’re having trouble with the Lock Override mini-game, pay attention to the pin that taps around the lock. It will move outwards just before it taps back down for the next beat, so paying attention to this will help with long pauses between taps.
- You don’t always need to lose reputation with one faction to gain with another. Not all actions that increase reputation with a criminal network will negatively affect another one. Sometimes, reputation loss is unavoidable, but you can prioritize tasks and actions that don’t have any downsides to the other networks.
- Pay attention to who holds power on each planet. In general, it’s a good idea to curry favor with the criminal network that rules the planet you’re currently spending time on (say, the Pykes for Toshara). This will allow you to move more easily throughout the map and avoid getting into trouble. There are often two syndicates that hold territory, though, so try not to completely burn bridges with them unless you want to hold off on building goodwill with them later.
- Raise your reputation instead of risking confrontation. If you don’t have favor with a particular group and are forbidden from entering their territory, consider waiting on completing side quests that require you to snoop in those areas. Getting caught there not only forces you to restart exploring that area, but you’ll lose favor every time you’re caught trespassing.
- Don’t neglect your Binoculars! You can use them to tag up to 10 objects, including enemies, traversal objects, and sabotage opportunities. This makes them essential as a stealth tool to keep track of everything.
- Use the Stun Shot often, but beware of the recharge. The Stun Shot effectively downs enemies instantly and works in stealth, but it takes a long time for it to recharge after firing it. You’ll want to choose your shots wisely or have a Plan B ready (Nix attack!) if you get caught.
- Always keep your Expert ability unlock conditions in mind. You can even track ability requirements if you want an easier look at them. These abilities won’t unlock automatically – you have to choose to do certain actions in the world, meaning the requirements may inform your playstyle for a while. Going out of your way to complete them can teach you quite a bit about how the game plays as well!
- Wires usually lead to something. If you’re in a search area, and you’re not sure where to go, follow the wires! If you have Nix scan the area, the scan will highlight wires that are connected to terminals. These terminals will often unlock doors or lower barriers that allow you to reach new areas.
- Complete the False Flag quest as soon as possible. It’s recommended to play at least through False Flag before investing tons of time in side quests (aside from expert quests). After that, you’ll be able to access more areas, quests, and features.
- Running out of Bacta Vials? Don’t waste your hard-earned Credits on them! Instead, steal them from allied Syndicate camps or, if you’re in excellent standing with a Syndicate, take vials as needed without sneaking around. These items replenish over time.