FPE First Person Everywhere v0.2

Star Wars Outlaws Mods |

FPE First Person Everywhere v0.2

Calling it that because there’s seperate cameas for everything.


currently have it working for default camera and general crouch.
camera is as close to kay’s head as possible (i think)

it’s hard to tell when you’ve moved the camera around,
as it took a while to figure out the left, right, up and down settings.

but i’ve been standing in front of npc’s to see if i was now at head level.
if you look down you can see your feet when standing but not so much crouched if at all.

based on the existing first person camera for vents. (using some of the values to test)

fov is 90.

crouching close to objects allows you to peer over the top
and then moving backwards lowers you back down again

there is a little clipping when jumping, strafing left or right
and possibly in other movements.
but it’s very much usable.

crouched shoulder aim is centered so there is no gun visible only see muzzle flash
hip aim the gun is visble on right side of screen as that’s the arm kay uses
crouch hip aim is basically the same-ish
gun moves about depending on aim angle can’t do anything that.

gun looks blurred in first person because of the games horrible DOF.
with the dof off ppf patch, you won’t get that.

another update…
hip and shoulder zoom aiming fov is halved from default 65.0 > 32.5
so you still get a decent zoom because in first person the zoom is minimal,
halving the fov fixed that.

it’s never going to be 100% perfect like a proper fps game.

everything else is still third person atm while i figure out the other stuff. can’t stress that enough.

just a teaser right now to get a feel for it.
so basically a test.

crouch (multiple) WIP
aiming (multiple) WIP
general walking about WIP
safe zones (landing areas) TO-DO
trailblazer interior TO-DO
interiors within safe zones (cantina etc) TO-DO
speeder bike TO-DO
climbing TO-DO
and any other third person cameras….

there won’t be a first person view in space as there’s no cockpit camera.
best you get for that is a better fov in third person. (90) or higher, depends what you like.
it’s easy to raise the fov in the game files.
remember higher too high of a fov will distort your view and probably lower fps as more is rendered on screen.
this happens in most games.

i’m still workin on first person mods for battlefront (2015 & 2017)
and have recently fixed the offset aiming from when i last attempted those mods….
all that will be shared at some point before the end of the year.
for those who might still be wanting a fresh way of playing those.
despite mp being mostly dead on one and dying on the other
we still have singleplayer and splitscreen!

all assuming i don’t have another depression relapse. *knocks wood*
will concentrate on getting this mod in a usable state before going back to finishing the battlefront mods.
may the force blaster be with you.

Credits: Cando Lalrissian
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