Uncover the World’s Secrets: How to Gather Intel

Star Wars Outlaws Mods |

Uncover the World’s Secrets: How to Gather Intel

Knowledge is power, and this rings especially true in the vast galaxy of Star Wars Outlaws. At the beginning of the game, many points of interest will be hidden from you. To discover them, you’ll need to gather intel from various sources, including:

  • Eavesdropping on rumors in a city’s cantina
  • Speaking with NPCs in different settlements
  • Finding and reading datapads scattered around the world
  • Extracting information from terminals you’ve successfully hacked

Once collected, this intel can be reviewed in your Journal menu. Some pieces of information are linked together in intel chains, such as tracking down multiple keycards that will eventually grant you access to a faction’s heavily guarded vault.

Credits: www.starwarsoutlawsmods.com
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