Enhanced Natural Kay Vess v1.0
Natural re-texture of kay vess with tattoo options.
– Universal Snowdrop Modloader
These are my personal modifications to Kay’s textures, uploaded due to a request. I began with her younger textures as a base, as these offered more defined freckles and facial details than her original textures. I then adjusted the skin tone to more closely resemble her original vanilla appearance, as the younger textures are considerably paler. Further refinements include alterations to lip colour and shine, facial shine. cleft chin removal, and a slightly darker shade of brown for her irises as well as numerous other subtle tweaks, that are too many to list.
Additional Info
There are multiple files to choose from, just download the one that matches the tattoo option you desire, screenshots are of the combined tattoo version as a reference. I will be doing some some more reference screenshots at some point as well as maybe do additional options if people want other things.